Adafruit library: Showing image?

I am using the Adafruit library to show content on my 1,5" OLED display:

  • Arduino Nano
  • RGB OLED display 1,5" : Waveshare, 128x128 Pixels, SPI

This is working quite ok. But now I want to show small images on the screen.

  1. What format shall thes images have?
  2. How can I get them into the code? Is there a way to embed the images into the code (I do not have a SDcard etc. connected).
  3. What code do I need to go for, to make images visible?

Right now I am just showing text and simple lines generated via the Adafruit library.

Thanks a lot for your help.

bitmap array

as an array in PROGMEM

see the Adafruit drawBitmap() function

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