Adafruit M0 Express Issue in Arduion IDE

Arduino IDE: 1.8.0
Arduino SAMD support package version:1.6.19
Adafruit SAMD support package version:1.2.3

Ive been trying to get the Adafruit M0 Express to upload the basic simple sketch 'Blink' ,for a few weeks now, and have posted my problems on adafruit, but unfourtunatly I havent gotten a reply yet, so I hope someone can help here.

When I plug my M0 Express in, COM13 is what it is labeled in the Arduino IDE, once I put it into bootloader mode(pressing reset button twice) Arduino IDE, it says its COM16(Adafruit M0 Express), but when trying to upload "Blink" it says it cant find the COM port? And yes, Ive made sure ive selected the correct board when trying to upload. And apologies if its a very simple solution...

it cant find the COM port?

Which port does it say it can't find?

COM16 while its in bootloader. Upon plugging it into my computer it recognizes it as COM13, but in bootloader mode it recognizes it as COM16(Adafruit M0 Express).And ive tried different USB's cables as well. But it says it cant find the port while trying to upload the sketch Blink.

My Playground Express seems to reload more reliably WITHOUT the double-tap reset. (On a Mac, so the issues are a bit different.) In theory, you should only need the double-tap reload under some relatively rare circumstances.

Do you get the light show on double-tap? What about when you do "upload" without pushing any buttons?
Can you try a different USB port on your computer - preferably a USB2 port rather than USB3...

Yes, I do get the light show. I tried the playground and got this error while enabling verbose mode in preferences. Didnt notice, but it seems when uploading the sketch while it ISNT in bootloader mode, it forces it into bootloader mode,and then says the COM16 port cant be found.And im on windows 10, but I have tried this on my Windown 7 laptop,and still get the same errors. I also have a second M0 Express(bought them at the same time) and still have the error, so I dont think its a hardware problem,if 2 new boards have the same issue, but who knows.

Sketch uses 9864 bytes (3%) of program storage space. Maximum is 262144 bytes.
Forcing reset using 1200bps open/close on port COM16
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
PORTS {COM16, } / {COM16, } => {}
Uploading using selected port: COM16
C:\Users\Mich\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\tools\bossac\1.7.0/bossac.exe -i -d --port=COM16 -U true -i -e -w -v C:\Users\Mich\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_730920/Blink2.ino.bin -R 
No device found on COM16
Set binary mode
Unsupported processor
Send auto-baud
Set binary mode
An error occurred while uploading the sketch
Unsupported ARM7TDMI architecture

No experience with your board, so I might be on the wrong track.

Based on Leonardo experience, you need to select com13 in the IDE; so your lines in reply #4 should reflect that. When the upload starts, it resets the chip and the boot loader kicks in which seems to be com16.

Only if it does not switch you tap the reset button.

This probably isn't helpful, but I have a Trinket M0, and upon first plugin, it recognized it and set up a COM port. The first time I uploaded, it failed because I didn't have both the bootloader and regular drivers setup. After that, it worked.

Try downloading the latest drivers from Adafruit, going to your Device Manager, and scanning for new devices to make sure everything is properly installed.