Adafruit m0 feather - This is a Program problem.

Hello Everybody i do not know if thi is a programming problem or what. But I'm also like other people having this problem trying to upload a sketch to this board. I have the board with the SD card for data logging. I have tried to follow this site Here But i have no lock. I did install the drivers and it does see the board i also downloaded and installed the board in board manger. Then i closed and reopen the IDE program. Selected the com port and the Board. But when i go to upload a simple sketch like Blink Led 13 nothing happens says board not there. I do not know what is there. I'm also seeing that there is a pulsing Red Led. From what I'm reading it is in some kind of programming mode. Not sure what that means or how to get out of it. Can someone please help me out?

Thank you.

Hello i did everything it told me me to do for wiring and setup as well as a hello world sketch for transmitting and receiving. But i can not get the Serial monitor to come up. I have the adafruit Feather m0 with SD card and a shield they call a wing which has a 915mhz RFM69. No errors in compiling. But nothing on the serial monitoring. It also on the receiving side suppose when a signal comes in to blink D13 Led but that is not even doing anything. I do not know what to do. Here is the link Listed here. Can someone please help me to figure what I'm doing wrong and help me to set it up?? Thank you.

Hello at the moment i can not get a Serial monitor to come up with not a Hello world or a analog voltage read nothing I do not know what is wrong please someone help me?

Image below and Sketch

void setup() {
  // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
while (!Serial);


// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
  // read the input on analog pin 0:
  int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
  // Convert the analog reading (which goes from 0 - 1023) to a voltage (0 - 5V):
  float voltage = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0);
  // print out the value you read:

Image link here. Also Link to Board Here.

Your serial monitor baud rate should he 9600

Hello SamlAm93 forgot to update the screenshot i did change the Baud rate to match the 9600 but again i forgot to make a new screenshot into now here it is.

Link of full image here.

Screenshot of image

I finally mange to get serial monitor to work. The IDE i was using was a older one 1.6.4 and somehow it wasn't working correctly with it. So i updated to the latest IDE and latest Adafruit drivers and now I can see Serial monitor.