Adafruit M4 Grand central board NeoPixel

Hello I'm trying to program the M4 Grand Central board by adafruit. I was wondering if anyone know of a way to program the neopixel? I have tried pin 88 as I'm seeing on adafruit site that does not work. I have tried lots of pins so far no luck. Can someone please help me out. I do have the adafruit neopixel library already installed?


Adafruit Grand Central M4:
That is a SAMD51 processor (Cortex M4 at 120 MHz) on a pcb board with the size of the Arduino Mega 2560.

The NeoPixel library seems to work with the SAMD51.
What kind of ledstrip do you use ? Can you give a link to where you bought it ?
How did you connect the ledstrip and how do you power it ?
Do you use the newest versions for the board and the libraries ?

Some ledstrips require a 5V signal. Some ledstrips have 4 colors instead of 3. Some ledstrips require a truckload of current.

Hello the neopixel is on the board it's self. I even tried to do a standard led link on 13 and got nothing from it. I did do a analog value read on A0 and that worked. But i can not get nothing else to work.


That is weird. Can you put aside the NeoPixels for the moment ? You need to get a pin working with digitalWrite().

I think you should ask it at the Adafruit forum, or maybe someone else on this forum knows what to do.

I'm sorry let me rephrase that I was putting in D13 just for a led blink and that didn't work so i tookout the D and just put 13 that did work. It's just the neopixel that I'm having this problem with.


So everything is working, but the NeoPixel not.

The NeoPixel library is made to work with that board. You can see here the specific code for the SAMD51: "#elif defined (SAMD51) // M4".

I can not find Issues on Github for the SAMD51.

Can you show your sketch ?

Adafruit publishes a schematic:

It says that the NeoPixel is a normal WS2812B
However it is powered with 3.3V. If I remember it correctly, the minimum voltage is 3.6V.
The NEOPIX signal is connected to PORTC, PC24, that should be Arduino pin 88. So yeah, it is 88, I can not make something else out of it.

#define PIN 88
#define NUMPIXELS 1
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

It seems to be dedicated for CircuitPython. I don't know if it is blocked when using the Arduino code.
I tried to find someone who is using that NeoPixel, but I can't find it. You might be the only one :astonished:

This seems to be a specific problem. I don't know what else to say. You have to ask at the Adafruit forum.

Hello thank you very much. I tried to define pin 88 but it didn't work. With this information i was able to program it thank you.

Edit: Yes i had to use python to program it. I couldn't do it with arduino IDE. It is a shame.


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