Hello I'm trying to program the M4 Grand Central board by adafruit. I was wondering if anyone know of a way to program the neopixel? I have tried pin 88 as I'm seeing on adafruit site that does not work. I have tried lots of pins so far no luck. Can someone please help me out. I do have the adafruit neopixel library already installed?
Adafruit Grand Central M4: https://www.adafruit.com/product/4064.
That is a SAMD51 processor (Cortex M4 at 120 MHz) on a pcb board with the size of the Arduino Mega 2560.
The NeoPixel library seems to work with the SAMD51.
What kind of ledstrip do you use ? Can you give a link to where you bought it ?
How did you connect the ledstrip and how do you power it ?
Do you use the newest versions for the board and the libraries ?
Some ledstrips require a 5V signal. Some ledstrips have 4 colors instead of 3. Some ledstrips require a truckload of current.
Hello the neopixel is on the board it's self. I even tried to do a standard led link on 13 and got nothing from it. I did do a analog value read on A0 and that worked. But i can not get nothing else to work.
I'm sorry let me rephrase that I was putting in D13 just for a led blink and that didn't work so i tookout the D and just put 13 that did work. It's just the neopixel that I'm having this problem with.
It says that the NeoPixel is a normal WS2812B
However it is powered with 3.3V. If I remember it correctly, the minimum voltage is 3.6V.
The NEOPIX signal is connected to PORTC, PC24, that should be Arduino pin 88. So yeah, it is 88, I can not make something else out of it.
It seems to be dedicated for CircuitPython. I don't know if it is blocked when using the Arduino code.
I tried to find someone who is using that NeoPixel, but I can't find it. You might be the only one
This seems to be a specific problem. I don't know what else to say. You have to ask at the Adafruit forum.