Hi there,
I´ve bought the adafruit motor shield recently, and I´ve found that when I "plug it" into my arduino mega 2560, there are no way to insert in it anything else. I mean, GND, 5v, digital pins, they are all soldered up, and it has no female connectors in it.
It does have additional "holes" in it. Some hols I realise that I could solder some female connectors to it, because they are connected to the 5v and GND, but some others seems to be disconnected from anything else.
I´ve never solder anything, and was hoping to just plug and play with the shield.
Can I solder some female connectors over the digital pins? Should I use those holes only?
The Adafruit Motor Shield (the old one, there is a new and better one) uses almost all pins. I think pin 2 and 13 and A0 ... A5 are not used.
Pin 2 might have a soldering hole.
The breadboard area is to use A0 ... A5.
You could replace the connectors to the Arduino board with longer female+male headers. But that would not help much, since almost all pins are used. What would you want to add ?
Thanks for your reply!
The thing is that (I´m just a newbie with the arduino) if I want to insert a pin into the gnd or 5w, or any digital pin, I just can´t, because there´s no female plug to insert it...
You can use the 3x6 breadboard area for that.
The analog pins can also be used as digital pins, so you can add a few female headers there and add analog or digital or I2C sensors.
The Adafruit motor shield has an extra row of holes on the power rails so you could add female sockets.
Also, the adafruit support forums are an excellent place to ask questions to get support for Adafruit products. (Assuming you bought them from Adafruit).
Thanks for your replies, I´ll try the adafruit forum too! (didn´t occurr to me ).
I´m still don´t getting the point. How may I use some of the pins in the arduino when I´m using the motor shield? IE: Analog pin 0, or digital PWN pins 13, 12, 11, 10, etc?
They are all filled with the motor shield and the motor shield doesn´t have any new hole to insert any cable in it.
Sorry for being such a n00b!
Thanks for your help!
You can't. The Adafruit Motor Shield (the old one, not the new one) uses almost every pin for itself.
Like I wrote, you still can use the analog pins and I think also pin 2 and 13.