Adafruit_neopixel library with ESP32

rmtWrite(pin, led_data, numBytes * 8, RMT_WAIT_FOR_EVER)

Why would a call to this function, when trying to send color data to the WS2812 strip, cause my ESP32 to continually reset?


void espShow(uint8_t pin, uint8_t *pixels, uint32_t numBytes, boolean is800KHz) 
  rmt_data_t led_data[numBytes * 8];

  if (!rmtInit(pin, RMT_TX_MODE, RMT_MEM_NUM_BLOCKS_1, 10000000)) 
    log_e("Failed to init RMT TX mode on pin %d", pin);
  int i=0;
  for (int b=0; b < numBytes; b++) 
    for (int bit=0; bit<8; bit++)
      if ( pixels[b] & (1<<(7-bit))) 
        led_data[i].level0 = 1;
        led_data[i].duration0 = 8;
        led_data[i].level1 = 0;
        led_data[i].duration1 = 4;
        led_data[i].level0 = 1;
        led_data[i].duration0 = 4;
        led_data[i].level1 = 0;
        led_data[i].duration1 = 8;

  //pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);  // don't do this, will cause the rmt to disable!
  rmtWrite(pin, led_data, numBytes * 8, RMT_WAIT_FOR_EVER);

I found a problem with using the neopixel library if I had more than 85 LEDs the ESP32 would continually reset
it appears to be a problem with the Espressif RMT library with ESP32 core V3
I found using Tools>Board Board manager to instal ESP32 core V2.0.17 fixed the problem for now

I think I just need to give up on EPS32 - there are just too many damn bugs in the core!!!!

I installed V2.0.17 and the reset problem goes away but now I get gpio_num error instead!

ESP32 is a losing battle!

what was the error message?

But hey the core is provided free of charge. I would say drop the Adafruit_neopixel, and don't update the core to the next main version until bug reports are seeping out.