Adafruit Tiny USB on SAMD51 with a SD card

Hi all,

I am trying to use the Adafruit Tiny USB on a custom variant I have on a SAMD51 microcontroller. I have changed the files accordingly.

I tried using two examples that Adafruit has provided.

  1. "msc_ramdisk" example works fine and my device is identified as a mass storage device. The problem here is it has only about 6KB memory since its the the ram.

  2. "msc_sd" is the example I really want to work but for some reason it is showing USB device not recognized on my PC.

Has anyone being able to set the Adafruit Tiny USB

Hello Razor101,
Sorry to hijack this topic

I am also working on SAMD51, I try to reduce the power consumption.
In sleep mode (0x04) I have 2.9 mA. In a previous post you mentioned

"By initializing the pins to tri-state buffers, I was able to reach a current consumption of 120uA. Any idea to reach double digits?" -> What do you mean exactly ? is it putting GPIO to output low ?

I am struggling to reduce the power consumption below 1mA

Thanks for any help

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