Adafruit_NeoPixel.h Nice pattern

Hello Arduinos
Does someone know Code for nice Pattern with Adafruit_NeoPixel.h
Could not find nice pattern.

What do you call nice?

Does someone know Code

Nobody knows code, they might have some code or be able to write it but they don’t know it.

You have looked at all the examples that come with the two libraries there are?

If you can imagine a pattern you can program it. Also are we talking about a single linear strip here or is it in the form of a 2D or 3D matrix?

Just a plain 2D Strip of 138 Led's

Just a plain 2D Strip of 138 Led's

You mean a matrix? That is what a 2D strip means. As 138 has no integer square root it can’t be a square matrix, so what is the size?

Hello :slight_smile:
Not a Matrix just nice pattern for a 138 WS2812 led's
Have a nice Sunday

I found this that looks nice