Is there any way i can change the libaries default pins and put them like on A0 and A1 or something else?
I got a ATmega promicro and as i can see on the pinout, there are no A4&A5... But for the 0.96 OLED to work, i should use a libary which has fixed pins... So i had a look on google and after that in the Libary itself, but could not find how....
#if defined (__AVR__) || defined(TEENSYDUINO) || defined (ESP8266) || defined (ESP32)
int8_t _cs, _dc, _rst, _sclk, _mosi, _miso;
int32_t _cs, ///< Arduino pin # for chip-select pin
_dc, ///< Arduino pin # for data-command pin
_rst, ///< Arduino pin # for reset pin
_sclk, ///< Arduino pin # for SPI clock pin
_mosi, ///< Arduino pin # for SPI MOSI pin
_miso; ///< Arduino pin # for SPI MISO pin
But i have no clue with indeep programming tho
Maybe it references to a other Libary where the Pins are handled by syntax i don't know about yet.
Thanks for any ideas and hints