Adafuit ESP32-C3 QT Py is not working properly

Hi there,

i have 2 of the new Adafruit QT Py ESP32-C3 QT Py boards and i try to code with Arduino IDE.
My first try with the Adafruit online tutorial was ok. The Neopixel was blinking and i changed some details and reload the sketch to the board.
After some coding now i must set the board every time in manual programming mode.

Some sample sketches are working, others not.
So i have tried the ArduinoOTA (WebUpdater) and it worked fine. I was able to see the Server at the desired IP. Therefore i'm sure not to have bricked the board...

The NeoPixel Sample from Adafruit is no longer working... Arduino NeoPixel Blink | Adafruit QT Py ESP32-C3 WiFi Dev Board | Adafruit Learning System

I'm not sure, what the problem actually is. Is there someone with the same problem?

My goal is to fire a pattern at a NeoPixel-Ring via WGET command to the IP-Adress.

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