Is it possible to trigger the ADC using any other PWM channel except channel 0? I wrote this code thinking that this was enough for triggering it from PWML4,
Hi @b707
Sorry about that - thank you for pointing that out.
PWM->PWM_CMP[4].PWM_CMPV = PWM_CMPV_CV(1500); //The value to be compared with the counter of channel 4 (val btwn 1 - PWM_CPRD)
PWM->PWM_CMP[4].PWM_CMPM = PWM_CMPM_CEN; // ENable comparison
PWM->PWM_ELMR[1] = PWM_ELMR_CSEL4; //Event line triggering per CMPV value of channel 4 (thus CSEL 4)