hi guys
i created clock via ardunio uno and ssd1306 oled and ds3231
now i need add 2 button for chenge hour and minutes for set correct time to sketch any one can help me
for added code to my sketch?
i added my sketch
clock.ino (1.56 KB)
hi guys
i created clock via ardunio uno and ssd1306 oled and ds3231
now i need add 2 button for chenge hour and minutes for set correct time to sketch any one can help me
for added code to my sketch?
i added my sketch
clock.ino (1.56 KB)
Add sketch the way adviced in How to use this forum etc. Downloading attached files doesn't work for all helpers.
If You managed to create a clock using those Components, how can installing and using 2 buttons make trouble?
Robin2 has been writing help called "Buttons". Search for that.
i cannot find this topic
Try this. Check the first 2 topics.