Add float Problem

I have a function that converts two points of latitude and longitude into distance traveled but, in a certain part of the code, the value is rounded.

Code (function) below:

line1: float CalculaDistancia()
line2: {
line3: float Radius = 6378.137;
line4: float Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
line5: float Distancia;
line6: float deg2radMultiplier = (Pi / 180);
line8: float auxiliar1;
line9: float auxiliar2;
line10: float auxiliar3;
line11: float auxiliar4;
line13: float LatInicial = (-22.905261 * deg2radMultiplier);
line14: float LonInicial = (-47.102654 * deg2radMultiplier);
line15: float LatFinal = (-22.905969 * deg2radMultiplier);
line16: float LonFinal = (-47.102664 * deg2radMultiplier);
line18: float LonDelta = LonFinal - LonInicial;
line20: auxiliar1 = sin(LatInicial) * sin(LatFinal);
line21: auxiliar2 = cos(LatInicial) * cos(LatFinal) * cos(LonDelta);
line22: auxiliar3 = (auxiliar1 + auxiliar2);
line23: auxiliar4 = acos(auxiliar3);
line25: Distancia = auxiliar4 * Radius;
line26: Distancia = Distancia * 1000;
line28: return Distancia;
line29: }

The value auxiliar1 is = 0.15148772239685058593750000000000 in the line 20,
The value auxiliar2 is = 0.84851226806640625000000000000000 in the line 21,
In the line 22, the value auxiliar3 should be = 0,999999990463256000000000 but is rounded to 1 and is a problem for my application.

How can I solved this problem? the variable auxiliar3 can not be rounded.

Thank you!!!

In an Arduino floats are limited to 6 significant digits.

Read the how to use this forum-please read sticky to see how to properly post code and some advice on how to ask an effective question. Remove useless white space and format the code with the IDE autoformat tool (crtl-t or Tools, Auto Format) before posting code. And lose the line numbers.

You need double precision floats for that calculation, which is not available in AVR-based Arduinos.

Over short distances, the equirectangular approximation is a reasonably accurate substitute for spherical trigonometry in distance calculations, and it can be accurately calculated using single precision floating point on any Arduino.

The page linked also discusses the Haversine formula, which works over longer distances for great circle routes, also with single precision floats.