I am not sure why I cannot add .json using V2. I want to use Attiny85 but not sure which file defines its pin names. thanks for help.
On V1 how do I add a .json file? e.g: http://digistump.com/package_digistump_index.json
I think I just used the attiny*5 for the chip and the attinyCore... don't remember adding anything else...
Hi @lastguy
I'm not sure either. The reason is because you haven't provided any information about the problem you are having and I'm not psychic.
Please provide a detailed explanation of the problem you are having, including:
- What did you do?
- What were the results you expected from doing that?
- What were the results you observed that did not match your expectations?
- Make sure to include the full and exact text of any error or warning message you might have encountered.
Here it is:
But I recommend you to focus on getting the boards platform installed first.
By the way, you should only use the Digistump boards platform if you have a Digispark board (or a Digispark clone). You should not use it with a bare ATtiny85 chip or a board that does not have the VUSB circuitry like the Digispark. I can recommend an alternative platform for use with ATtiny85 that are not in the Digispark configuration.
- Select File > Preferences from the Arduino IDE menus.
- Enter the URL into the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" field.
If there are already Boards Manager URLs in the field, separate them with commas. - Click the OK button.
yes on V1 I can do it. but not V2 - weird.
Again, if you will take the time to tell me what the problem is, I'm certain I can help you to accomplish your goal.
Thanks for all helps. I stopped here as I found attiny85 has no enough RAM for SCoop multitask.
Although there are a few multitask core in V2, I think SCoop still better.
Use nano is ok for me thanks again.
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