Thank you for the attempt, but still too high level and/or terse for my skill set, not the step by step with pictures every step with folder names and all file names listing shown, example I would require to be able to add a new board/processor type. I guess I will forever be limited to the boards the the 'official arduino team' deems worthy for me to use.
I did once add support for a Sanguino 644p based board once to a version 11 IDE (I think) but they just provided a zipped file and said unpack it here and wala it just worked, now that was the level of help I needed.
I'm quite good at hacking hardware, software hacking I suck.
Thanks for sharing
It can indeed do some work but it is good enough or a first release.
best regards
thanks for the comments
i have started looking into a 'package' creator where you drop your files into, run a batch, take your new folder and plop it into arduino environment