Adding additional input to a cruise control mode

Building a RC controlled zero turn . Using Arduino Uno, brushed dc linear actuators controlling each of the 2 hydraulic drive motors. Using hydraulic flow sensor from each wheel to establish synchronized mode and a straight line “ cruise control. Q/A..once the system is in cruise control mode how can I provide additional input to either wheel without disengaging the cruise mode.. sort of increasing the power to one of the wheels hence causing the unit to turn slightly..thank you

How many more options can you add to the RC system?

The RC controller has 8 distinct channels, currently using 4 channels

Then you should likely pick one for speed up and one for speed down. Then incorporate the output of the receive system into your Arduino program.

Thanks for the thoughtful response, now here is where the question comes into play…the arduino is already running the closed loop hydraulic flow sensor program, maintaining a set speed and can a second input ( command ) be programed to change one of the wheel speeds without interrupting the initial program ( the cruise control program) ….adding or subtracting from the base command or program

Did you design and write the program to do that? Only you can answer your question.

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