Adding an SD card module to a project with 3 sensors and 3 OLED screens

Is it possible to add an SD card module to a project with OLED displays?

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Some SD card modules will not play well with other devices on the SPI bus.
The problem is with the way the level shifter on the SD module is wired.
The ones that do not work well have the MISO signal running through the level shifter.
That causes the MISO signal to not be released so that the other devices can control it.
The modules made by Adafruit (and some others) have the MISO signal going from the SD card straight to the MISO,
bypassing the level shifter. Look at the schematic
for the Adafruit module
to see what to look for. DO (data out) is the MISO signal.

Also what processor. OLED displays take a bunch of memory. The SD support allocates buffers dynamically, which will likely cause problems on small processors like the UNO.

From deleted text:

I am using an Arduino Mega 2560... using a temperature sensor, turbidity sensor and a pH sensor with 3 OLED displays... I would like to add an SD card module

Is it possible to ........


I've successfully used a processor board with an SD card, OLED display and an RTC.

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Good luck.

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