I am using IDE `1.8.1 on Windows 7 and I am having the familiar problem downloading the DUE board files using the boards manager screen. (some type of network security issue that causes the IDE to fail at this, although I have no problem downloading the file from my browser).
As of now, I am unable to add the DUE board file to my IDE, leaving me dead in the water. Is there any new info on a fix for this?
I even downloaded the board file and placed it on my local drive, then added the location under preferences "Additional Boards Manager URLs", and was surprised that this did not work either. I think that the IDE stops looking if the remote URL download fails, and never tries the local URL.
Does anyone know where the board file should end up in the Arduino installation so that I can manually insert it?
The easiest way to do this is to install the Arduino SAM Boards on another computer and then copy them over. If that's not possible I can provide instructions for how to manually install it but it's a bit complex because you need to create a specific folder structure.
I can download the board file on the computer on which the IDE is installed using a WEB browser, but the IDE is unable to download the same files using the same network connection. So I don't know what you mean by downloading the board files on another machine. I can download the file on this machine. Only the IDE is unable to download the board file.
Again, the issue does not seem to be network access to the remote server. It has something to do with how the IDE is trying to download the file.
I also went into the Arduino/hardware folder and replaced the contents of the package_index_bundled.json file with the contents of the package_index.json.
This caused the DUE board to be listed in the board manager list, however, when the "install" link is clicked for the DUE, the IDE still goes out on the web to download some needed file and gives the same error.
If you have a manual installation solution, I would really like to know what it is.
I can download the board file on the computer on which the IDE is installed using a WEB browser, but the IDE is unable to download the same files using the same network connection.
Yes, I understand that, it's an issue we see reported here fairly regularly.
So I don't know what you mean by downloading the board files on another machine.
I didn't say downloading on another machine, I said installing on another machine. The purpose of doing that is not to download the files but to automatically create the specific folder structure necessary for those files to be recognized by the Arduino IDE, which is more difficult to do manually. Do you have access to another computer that can successfully install that package via Boards Manager?
I also went into the Arduino/hardware folder and replaced the contents of the package_index_bundled.json file with the contents of the package_index.json.
I have two Win 7 machines on my desk, I already tried installing the IDE on the other machine before my first post. Trying the same thing on a different machine and getting a different outcome did not work.
Can you please tell me how to fix this?
And while I am on the subject, can you tell me where I can submit ideas for improvements to the IDE? I think we have discovered an area that could be improved.
I appreciate your help and look forward to receiving a solution.
Yes, have the same problem on two machines in my office. Someone named "Pert" said they knew of a manual way to install the DUE board files. I am waiting for this help.
I can easily download the json file via my browser, only the IDE is unable to access it.
According to pert:
"it's an issue we see reported here fairly regularly."
Which begs the question: why has this not been fixed at least two years after discovery?
Which begs the question: why has this not been fixed at least two years after discovery?
Most likely it's not a problem with the Arduino IDE but with your network settings. You should try whitelisting the Arduino IDE in your firewall. If someone would point out a specific problem with the Arduino IDE that needs to be fixed to avoid this issue I guarantee the developers would do their best to fix it but just saying "it doesn't work" isn't going to do that. It works for the developers, it works for me, it works for tens of thousands of other users.
Can someone please just tell the specific folder structure?
This would be of great help! And also give an immediate workaround.
It is true that this is a network issue on the end user side but sometimes, this network problem cannot be fixed (e.g. when working in a company's network). So it would actually be helpful if the IDE let me install packages manually (full offline) or at least have this workaround.
Can someone please just tell the specific folder structure?
{link on the line following File > Preferences > More preferences can be edited directly in the file}
| |_hardware
| |_sam
| |_{package version (currently 1.6.11}
| |_unzip the latest package here (currently http://downloads.arduino.cc/cores/sam-1.6.11.tar.bz2)
| |_{tool version (currently 4.8.3-2014q1)}
| |_unzip tool here (find the download URL for your OS in the tools section of https://downloads.arduino.cc/packages/package_index.json)
|_{tool version (currently 1.6.1-arduino)}
|_unzip tool here (find the download URL for your OS in the tools section of https://downloads.arduino.cc/packages/package_index.json)
Thank you, this helped me to be able to compile for arduino due boards!
But before I could do that, I had to copy the files to:
{arduino root folder}
| |_sam
| |_unzip the latest package here (currently http://downloads.arduino.cc/cores/sam-1.6.11.tar.bz2)
| |_{tool version (currently 4.8.3-2014q1)}
| |_unzip tool here (find the download URL for your OS in the tools section of https://downloads.arduino.cc/packages/package_index.json)
|_{tool version (currently 1.6.1-arduino)}
|_unzip tool here (find the download URL for your OS in the tools section of https://downloads.arduino.cc/packages/package_index.json)
But before I could do that, I had to copy the files to:
| |_{tool version (currently 4.8.3-2014q1)}
| |_unzip tool here (find the download URL for your OS in the tools section of https://downloads.arduino.cc/packages/package_index.json)
|_{tool version (currently 1.6.1-arduino)}
|_unzip tool here (find the download URL for your OS in the tools section of https://downloads.arduino.cc/packages/package_index.json)
Putting those in the tools-builder folder was definitely not right, but I'm just glad you got it working.
Well, but before putting it there, the IDE would not find the compiler and throw this error:
exec: "/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++": file does not exist
I am using the Arduino IDE 1.8.5 on Windows 7 and have created a portable folder in my installation path, i.e.
{link on the line following File > Preferences > More preferences can be edited directly in the file}
results for me in D:\arduino-1.8.5\portable\preferences.txt. Maybe this has something to do with it, maybe not, i do not know.
I still have all files arranged as you pointed out but the compiler would not be found before I put it into the tools-builder folder.
Also, I still have not tested it on the due, so this might not be all. But compiling works, so for the arm-none-eabi-gcc this definetely is a right location.
That's strange. If you're going to install the package to the IDE installation hardware folder, rather than the portable folder (which would be Arduino15 or similar if you weren't running in portable mode) then the expected tools location would be hardware/tools, where you will find the tools for the "Arduino AVR Boards" platform. In fact you can see how the "Arduino ARM (32-bits) Boards" platform of the Due was bundled with the IDE before the days of Boards Manager here:
bossac was stored directly in the tools folder. The tools-builder folder is used to store tools that the Arduino sketch preprocessor, arduino-builder uses but I guess that location is still able to populate {runtime.tools.arm-none-eabi-gcc.path}.
Most likely it's not a problem with the Arduino IDE but with your network settings. You should try whitelisting the Arduino IDE in your firewall. If someone would point out a specific problem with the Arduino IDE that needs to be fixed to avoid this issue I guarantee the developers would do their best to fix it but just saying "it doesn't work" isn't going to do that. It works for the developers, it works for me, it works for tens of thousands of other users.
nope, it's an IDE problem, it's a proxy related issue, inside a corporate network you can have two type of connections:
1)automatic script
2)manual proxy
automatic script doesn't work at all for me i and didn't understand why, manual proxy is bugged as you can't save authentication credentials, if you fill these fields in IDE network settings, close and re-open, data disappears, if you try to download a json java returns 407 error.
An application should work in all cases, if it doesn't work in most companies network, it's a bug.
You can remove proxy support functionality in future releases, but you would lose many customers using arduino for business purpose.
Close the Arduino IDE if it's running (this is to clear any output that might have been on the console window from your previous work).
Start the Arduino IDE.
Select Tools > Board > Boards Manager from the Arduino IDE menus.
Wait for the update to finish.
Click the Close button.
If there is any text in the black console window at the bottom of the Arduino IDE window please copy all of it (you might need to scroll up to get it all), then paste it here in a code block (</> button on the post composer toolbar).
I searched on this error and saw your other posts - I subsequently deleted the Arduino15 folder, restarted, checked the proxy settings (none - I don't have one, auto - makes no difference).
Deleted Arduino, deleted Arduino15, reinstalled, reloaded, same message every time even on a vanilla system.
I've tried over many days, rebooted the router, connected via ethernet rather than WiFi and still the same error message about 'signature file verification failed'
Another cause might be your antivirus software. Try TEMPORARILY disabling your antivirus just long enough to run Boards Manager and check whether the problem goes away. If so, you will need to modify your antivirus settings to whitelist the file, process, or folder that's being blocked.