The ports of the interface are named the same like the ports on the lcd Display.
So can I easily solder the I2C-interface to the LCD-Display or do I have to configure those to modules that they can communcate with each other?
Also I want to attach an Ecoder to the Arduino nano.
Is someone having experience, which encoder will be the best?
I mean there is a big selection of encoders with different ppr.
So which is the the maximum ppr an arduino nano can handle?
I don´t know the sample frequenzy of the nano but is it high enough to handle encoders with a high ppr?
I ordered a LCD 4x20 character display and found out, that it would be easier to attach an I2C interface to connect it to the Arduino Nano.
That is indeed, the most practical way to connect the display.
The ports of the interface are named the same like the ports on the LCD Display.
Because it is designed for exactly that purpose.
So can I easily solder the I2C-interface to the LCD-Display or do I have to configure those to modules that they can communicate with each other?
There is no other way to connect them but to solder. You want bperrybap's "HD44780" library installed from the Library Manager in the IDE to automatically perform the configuration for you. The instructions are in the installed package.
Also I want to attach an Encoder to the Arduino Nano.
Is someone having experience, which encoder will be the best?
I mean there is a big selection of encoders with different ppr.
So which is the the maximum ppr an Arduino Nano can handle?
I don´t know the sample frequency of the Nano but is it high enough to handle encoders with a high ppr?
You are going about this the wrong way.
If you explain for (exactly) what purpose you want the rotary encoder and what you expect it to do, it may be possible to suggest something.
I have some categories with subcotegories installed on my nano.
I want to use the encoder tho switch trough those categories.
But I also have a counter that I want to adjust with my encoder.
So if I am going to rotate my encoder very fast, will there be problems if there are to many pulses/rotation?
Ah! So you are talking about a rotary encoder used as a "Human Input Device". One of these:
You need to understand that your reaction time is measured in tens of milliseconds, while Arduino programs - sketches - execute in terms of microseconds, or tens of microseconds when you consider whole procedures.
So most of these basic encoders have a quite modest number of transitions per revolution, limited not just by their construction, but by your ability to manipulate them to precise positions. And they are not particularly durable, you do not want to be spinning them all day, every day.
So there should be no problem at all, but you need to allow for contact bounce - because they use mechanical wiping contacts. And do not be fooled into thinking that interrupts are appropriate for reading them. You need to use polling code with de-bouncing using timing by recurrent millis() readings.
Apologies - that encoder does not include the "push" switch. This one does: