If I add this mpu to my arduino, can i program it with the arduino GUI, and will it be pin compatible? I forgot to check how many pins. But, I would like to add about 10 PIC CPUs to one or two arduinos for a project that I am working on.
The PICs aren't "AVR-based", so they can't be programmed with the Arduino environment without a lot of work.
The ATTiny2313 is similar in resources and price to the PIC, though, and someone has already adapted the Arduino runtime for it. I don't remember how they did the chip programming, though: I'm pretty sure they didn't do a bootloader, so you might need to buy something like a low-cost ISP programmer to load the software into it.
Do a forum search for "attiny2313", and you should find the threads about it.
Then I'm sorry for my assumtion. The PIC chip family is not a AVR based processor but rather a totally different processor family from a different manufacture with a totally different instruction set. The Arduino platform is built on top of a open source C/C++ complier known as gcc and will not compile for the PIC family of chips.
I see. I will have to do more research. I am very interested in AI and the Subsumption process. I have built several robots and want to take them to another level, except money is an object so it has to be affordable.
I want to say that this board has been a real Blessing to me. Some of the nicest people in the world! Also, the Arduino system was the fastest and easiest to get going. I love it. I may have to save my money and get 10 cheap Arduinos. (ouch!)
Thanks, Ran, I did not see your reply. I don't care what kind of chip as long at it is cheap and I would like to program it in 'c'. I am not too good at ASM Language.
The reason that I was considering the PIC16F628A chip was because it was cheap and it had it's own crystal built in and I did not have to buy 10 crystals. But, this other chip looks nice also. and will take c++.
I may have to save my money and get 10 cheap Arduinos. (ouch!)
If you want to swap labor for reduced cash, check out the StripDuino thread.
For a good compromise between cost and labor, look at the RBBB. I have 5 of them, and they're great for projects where you want an Arduino software environment, but don't need to connect a shield.
Check the "shipping" page on the Modern Device site: their charges to the U.S. are very nice (I think the owner is basically just giving away his time on packing and mailing), and there's a calculator for estimating rates to other continents.
Also, check his prices on ATMega328s: they're almost as cheap as buying them without the bootloader from Mouser.
I just wish I could get him to add the resonators to his "components" page: they're the only other parts that are really hard to find without ordering from someplace like Mouser or Digi-Key. Maybe if enough people ask him, he will.
I just wish I could get him to add the resonators to his "components" page: they're the only other parts that are really hard to find without ordering from someplace like Mouser or Digi-Key. Maybe if enough people ask him, he will.
Did you email Paul at Modern Device? He is great to work with and has always responded in a timely fashion.