Adding wifi setup button with Homespan and ESP32

Hello everybody.
I'm using Homespan.
I tried HomeSpan examples con a ESP32 board and it work.
I've a question about "Example 15: Real PushButtons".
I built a board with three buttons and all works well.
Is it possible to add another button for launch HomeSpan’s temporary WiFi network and the related procedure?

The code I get from example 15 is. OK. I confess I really don't have an example 15 but I can make one up and help you troubleshoot the made up example 15 or and this is important to getting us on the same page. You could post your code.

Wait I found an example 15 and it looks like this,

#include <stdint.h>
#include <pru_cfg.h>
#include "resource_table_empty.h"
#include "prugpio.h"

#define P9_11   (0x1<<30)           // Bit position tied to P9_11 on Black
#define P2_05   (0x1<<30)           // Bit position tied to P2_05 on Pocket

volatile register uint32_t __R30;
volatile register uint32_t __R31;

void main(void)
    uint32_t *gpio0 = (uint32_t *)GPIO0;

    while(1) {
        gpio0[GPIO_SETDATAOUT]   = P9_11;
        gpio0[GPIO_CLEARDATAOUT] = P9_11;

Is that the same example 15 that you are using?

Help us help you.

Sorry but I'm not very skilled about arduino.
I installed

and I loaded example in subject from File--Examples--HomeSpan

Hope this help you

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