So say I want to start the program counter at the RAM register, but don't care about which RAM register the data is written to afterwards; should I write each memory address before each command? for example if I want to write 2 bytes. do I do this:
Like @gfvalvo says, read the data sheet. Some devices do sequential addressing where you specify the first address and subsequent writes go to sequential registers and some devices need each register specified before the write.
I have started with that days ago, thanks. My question is more related to Wire.h which is why I didn't bother sharing the datasheet. It's alright though, a more useful person answered my question on another forum.
As @groundFungus noted, the information you were seeking is available in the datasheet. And, the proper way to use the Wire library depends on that information. So, the answer I provided was as complete as your incomplete question allowed.
The following terminologies are seen in the I2C related literatures: 1. Slave Address or Device Address (It is 7-bit) 2. I2C Address or I2C Bus Address of the Slave (It is 8-bit which is formed by appending 0 or 1 at the right most position of Slave Address during read and write operation.)