Addressing Fastled individually from WEB


I would like to do a project that FastLed controlled by button in HTML. I have connected ESP8266 with d2. Is that possible to controlle FAstLed individually from WEbbutton since its a addresable LED? Please advise on this

You can send a number from e.g. a browser; what you receive will be a text representation of the number. That number (after conversion from text to integer) will be the index into the led array and you can use it to change the led.

Note that the ESP8266 is a 3.3V device and led strips usually require a 5V data signal; you might need level converters (e.g. 74HCT14, two in series).

FastLED uses a bit-banged method to control the LEDs which will impact the stability of the WiFi connection.
Switch to neopixelbus to use either DMA or UART mode.
For the rest, yes as @sterretje says, the use of level converters will increase stability.
Best plan is to use ESP8266webserver library, and create a page that contains forms to make 'Get' or 'Post' requests which include which color to assign to what pixel or combination of pixels or patterns etc.
Keep in mind that any animation which is delay() based will interfere with the response of the webpage. You could use the Asyncwebserver instead.

Thanks for making it clear :blush:

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