ADKTerminalTest compile error - works as keyboard for android

Hello, Arduino Due forum!

Trying to connect Due to Android phone or tablet.

Found several ADK examples, like ADKTerminalTest and HelloADKLED.

Have tried latest 1.6.6 2015/09/04, then 1.6.5-r2, 1.6.4 and 1.6.0 on Win7X64 with different USBHost (1.0.3, 1.0.2) combinations. Also try SAM boards 1.6.4 and 1.6.3 with the same result... :frowning:

Only two types of result:

  1. Without "Serial.begin(9600);" in setup section - no any activity, like no any connection

  2. With "Serial.begin(9600);" in setup section - "A" icon in status bar and message about keyboard layout (pic attached). This result on all devices I have with different android versions and kernels (from old sams s2 to sony tablet z3, rooted and normal).

Have anybody success with connecting DUE to anrdoid with windows version compiler?

Please, write exact version combination of compiler, libraries and DUE definitions.

Any another way (not adk), maybe CDC emulation? Any advice are welcome.

Thanks for help!