ADNS3080 seems to interfere with MPU6050

Hi all,

I am using the ADNS3080 and MPU6050 sensors on the ESP32 microcontroller board. Each time the ADNS3080 sensor is above a good surface (= high squal), my MPU6050 readings get highly distorted. When I go back to a bad surface (squal is very low or equal to 0), the MPU6050 readings go back to normal.

I read on the following link that the MISO pin should get 3.3V from the microcontroller board, because 5V would cause interference between the ADNS3080 and the MPU6050. But the thing is, the ESP32 MISO pin is a GPIO pin, and all GPIO pins operate at 3.3V, as mentioned in the datasheet:

So, why does this problem still occur? I even tried to disable the resolution of the ADNS3080, but that didn't solve the problem...

// sensor configuration 
#define LED_MODE      false     // If true, enables LED Mode
#define RESOLUTION    false     // If true, enable high resolution mode 


void setup() {

  sensor.setup( LED_MODE, RESOLUTION );


Thanks in advance!


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