adrudino mega and monome button pad over spi


I am new to arduino and want to figure out how to connect my button pad spi to my arduino mega. I am going this route since sparkfun is out of the usb and also i want to be able to run everything I am doing off of the one board and usb bus.

I am pretty lost with the sparkfun startup doc and wanted to see if anyone had any tips, links, or suggestions on how to do this. Beyond importing the spi library into my arduino sketch, I am not sure then how to program the monome board over the spi.

thanks for any info

Nobody answered yet so just a quick one from me
SPI is 3 wires yes?
TX I suppose.

Would your pad have similar ? If so RX toTX and TX to RX and Gr to Gr. that would be my guess but i have never used it !

EDIT -Completely wrong -Thanks florinc- Its 4 wire and your link below is excellent on the subject. I looked up SPI and got about 4 versions on Google

tytower, not really.
Read this:


thanks for the replies, for some reason i didn't get an email until now...

I think it would be easiest for me to link to what I am working with

the button pad from sparkfun -- Button Pad Controller SPI - WIG-09022 - SparkFun Electronics

After talking on the phone with a support guy at sparkfun, he told me that i should be able to just hook it up to my arduino mega after importing the spi library into my code.

from here -- Arduino Playground - Spi
that also explains which pin goes where (except the arduino site calls one the SS pin while the button pad board calls it CS.?.?)

My goal is to hook up my Liquidware touch shield slide ( to my arduino mega as well as the button pad. I can power the board and connect the spi stuff, but then I honeslty don't know what to do to program the board.

Here is the sparkfun user doc for the button board --

It explains it but to be honest it is over my head so i am trying just get an idea of what I need to do to actually program the board.

Ultimately i am hoping to have a mini monome with a touch menu and fx control touch screen. The screen part is easy, but the spi board i can tell is going to be more difficult for my noobie skills.

thanks for any help
