adruino based robot : laptop controlled in real time by rf module

I am trying to make a robot with a pair of adruino uno. i am controlling 6 dc motors(wheels) where 3 motors will be connected in series together in one side (two 3 wheeled sides); i.e. all 3 will respond as one. I have used a l293d chip as motor controller which is connected to the adruino uno. this uno also has a receiver chip (433Mhz,Rx). I am trying to attach another uno to my laptop with the transmitter chip to control the receiving uno. I needed help as to the which libraries i need to download to my uno and the code i need to use for forward(clockwise, both pair of wheels), backward(anticlockwise, both pair of wheels , left(left set of wheels HIGH, right pair off) and right. help?

Start testing by controlling the receiving arduino using the serial monitor. When you have the bot controlling as desired, then add the wireless connection.