adruino to adruino comm

Im new to all this so please bear with me, I would like to have one arduino get input from potentiometers then transmit to another arduino
via 1c2 to tell servos what postions to go to. I assume I have to write code to one adruino telling it to tx the pot values and programm the other to recieve and interpet the data? Please tell me someone has done this already so I can just be a copy cat lol. I think im having a melt down trying to figure this out as it is all new to me.

I've done it, but not using I2C. I just use software serial (so I can still use the hardware one for communicating back to the PC). I2C is only really for small distances ( a few cm ) but might possibly run further. I have had software serial running over 100m through cat5 cable at 9600 baud. I don't have the code to hand but it transfers bytes, ints and longs without issue. The library is here

It works much like the standard serial reads and writes available on the main serial port. I'll dig my code out if you express an interest.

Thanks for the quick reply, I have some more research to do now as I have no idea how this stuff works. I dont suppose the have one of the books for dummies I can pick up to give me some understanding of this? :-? :-[

Available for free download, from one of our members.

Link in first post.

Thank you, might be just what I need. :wink: