Hello I have been trying to use ADS1115 with my current setup, but since i added the ads.begin() the serial monitor stopped working and the code stops running.
Does anyone know what the problem could be?
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_ADS1X15.h>
float tempMax = 1023; // Maximum temperature value (inverse relationship with temperature)
float tempMin = 0; // Minimum temperature value
float currentMax = 1023; // Maximum current reading
float currentMin = 0; // Minimum current reading
float tempValue = 0; // Current temperature value
float currentValue = 0; // Current current value
float rangeCurrent = 0; // Range of current values in bits!
float rangeTemp = 0; // Range of temperature values in bits!
float rangeTempC = 0; // Range of temperature values in °C
float experimentStarted = 0; // Flag to indicate if the experiment is running
float restartExperiment = 0; // Flag to indicate the need to restart the experiment
float experimentTime = 0; // Experiment duration in minutes
float scalingTemp = 0; // Scaling factor from bits to volts for temperature
float scalingCurrent = 0; // Scaling factor from bits to volts for current
float readingsCount = 0; // Number of reading done while waiting for 'done' in calibration process
float totalValue = 0; // Cumulative value of the readings while waiting for 'done' in calibration process
float elapsedMinutes = 0; // Time elapsed in the current experiment
float inputCurrent = 0; // Current current value
float inputTemperature = 0; // Current temperature reading
float calibrationStartTime = 0; // Declare calibration start time
float setpointTemperature = 0; // Setpoint temperature
float controlPWM = 0; // PWM output
unsigned long startTime = 0; // Start time of experiment
unsigned long lastPrintTime = 0; // Variable to store the last time the elapsed time was printed
const int pwmPin = 3; // PWM-capable pin for temperature control
int inputValue = 0; // Instantaneous value read in the calibration process
Adafruit_ADS1115 ads; // Use this for the 16-bit version
void setup() {
delay(1000); // Add delay after ads.begin()
while (!Serial) {
; // Wait for the serial port to connect
pinMode(pwmPin, OUTPUT);
// Get user input for setpointTemperature
Serial.println("Enter the desired setpoint temperature in °C and press Enter:");
while (!Serial.available()) {
// Wait for user input
setpointTemperature = Serial.parseFloat(); // Read user input as a float
Serial.read(); // Clear the newline character from the input buffer
Serial.println("Setpoint temperature: " + String(setpointTemperature, 2) + " °C");
// Get user input for experimentTime
Serial.println("Enter the duration of the experiment in minutes and press Enter:");
while (!Serial.available()) {
// Wait for user input
experimentTime = Serial.parseFloat(); // Read user input as a float
Serial.println("Experiment time: " + String(experimentTime, 2) + " minutes");
calibrateSensors(); // Perform sensor calibration
Serial.println("To start the experiment, type 'yes' and press Enter.");
void loop() {
if (restartExperiment == 1) {
Serial.println("Do you want to start a new experiment?");
restartExperiment = 0;
experimentStarted = 0;
while (!experimentStarted) {
// Waiting for experiment start or restart command
elapsedMinutes = (millis() - calibrationStartTime) / 60000;
int16_t adc0, adc1;
tempValue = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0); // Read from channel 0
currentValue = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(1); // Read from channel 1
// Convert sensor reading to temperature
inputTemperature = convertToTemperature(tempValue, scalingTemp);
// Convert sensor reading to current
inputCurrent = convertToCurrent(currentValue, scalingCurrent, currentMax, currentMin);
// Create range of Temperature in °C
rangeTempC = convertToTemperature(tempMax, scalingTemp) - convertToTemperature(tempMin, scalingTemp);
// Perform PID control
controlPWM = constrain(((inputTemperature - setpointTemperature) / rangeTempC) * 255, 0, 255);
// Apply control output to the system
analogWrite(pwmPin, controlPWM);
// Print elapsed time every second
if (millis() - lastPrintTime >= 1000) {
lastPrintTime = millis(); // Update the last print time
Serial.print("Elapsed Time: ");
Serial.print(int(elapsedMinutes)); // Print minutes
Serial.print(" minutes and ");
Serial.print(int((elapsedMinutes - int(elapsedMinutes)) * 60)); // Print seconds
Serial.println(" seconds");
Serial.println("Temperature: " + String(inputTemperature, 2) + " °C, Current: " + String(inputCurrent, 2) + " A");
if (elapsedMinutes >= experimentTime) {
Serial.println("Experiment Completed - " + String(experimentTime, 2) + " minutes have passed.");
restartExperiment = 1;
void waitForExperimentStart() {
startTime = millis();
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
String userInput = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
if (userInput.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) {
experimentStarted = 1;
Serial.println("Experiment Started.");
calibrationStartTime = millis(); // Set the calibration start time
float convertToTemperature(float tempReading, float scalingTemp) {
// Convert analog temperature value and scale it to temperature range 4°C-37°C
//return 20.439 - 2.0656 * (tempReading * scalingTemp);
return 20.439 - 2.0656 * (((((tempReading * 5) / 65535) - 2.5) * 3.7) * scalingTemp);
float convertToCurrent(float currentReading, float scalingCurrent, float currentMax, float currentMin) {
// Convert the current value and scale it to the range 0A-3.9A
//return ((currentMin - currentReading) / (currentMin - currentMax)) * scalingCurrent * 3.9;
return ((currentMin - ((((currentReading * 5) / 65535) - 2.5) * 3.7)) / (currentMin - currentMax)) * scalingCurrent * 3.9;
void calibrateSensors() {
Serial.println("Sensor Calibration Process Starting...");
Serial.println("Follow the steps to calibrate the sensors:");
// Temperature Calibration
Serial.println("1. Set the temperature to 37°C and match it to -8V.");
Serial.println("2. Set the temperature to 20.5°C and match it to 0V.");
Serial.println("3. Repeat until you reach values with precision deemed acceptable. Type 'done' when ready.");
Serial.println("4. Set the temperature to 4°C. Type 'done' when ready.");
Serial.println("5. Recording the analog input. Type 'done' when done.");
tempMin = waitForAnalogInput(A0);
Serial.println("6. Set the temperature to 37°C. Type 'done' when ready.");
Serial.println("7. Recording the analog input. Type 'done' when done.");
tempMax = waitForAnalogInput(A0);
scalingTemp = (8 - (-8)) / (tempMin - tempMax);
// Current Calibration
Serial.println("8. Set the current to 0A and match it to 5V.");
Serial.println("9. Set the current to 3.9A and match it to 1V.");
Serial.println("10. Repeat until you reach values with precision deemed acceptable. Type 'done' when ready.");
Serial.println("11. Set the current to 0A. Type 'done' when ready.");
Serial.println("12. Recording the analog input. Type 'done' when done.");
currentMin = waitForAnalogInput(A1);
Serial.println("13. Set the current to 3.9A. Type 'done' when ready.");
Serial.println("14. Recording the analog input. Type 'done' when done.");
currentMax = waitForAnalogInput(A1);
scalingCurrent = (1 - 5) / (currentMax - currentMin);
Serial.println("Sensor Calibration Completed");
// Display the calibration results
Serial.print("Calibration Results - Temperature (°C): ");
Serial.print("Min= ");
Serial.print(convertToTemperature(tempMin, scalingTemp));
Serial.print(" Max= ");
Serial.println(convertToTemperature(tempMax, scalingTemp));
Serial.print("Calibration Results - Current (A): ");
Serial.print("Min= ");
Serial.print(convertToCurrent(currentMin, scalingCurrent, currentMax, currentMin));
Serial.print(" Max= ");
Serial.println(convertToCurrent(currentMax, scalingCurrent, currentMax, currentMin));
void waitForCalibrationStep() {
while (true) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
String userInput = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
if (userInput.equalsIgnoreCase("done")) {
float waitForAnalogInput(int analogpin) {
readingsCount = 0;
totalValue = 0;
while (true) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
String userInput = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
if (userInput.equalsIgnoreCase("done")) {
// Read analog input
inputValue = analogRead(analogpin);
totalValue += inputValue;
delay(100); // Add a delay to avoid rapid serial prints
// Calculate the average
if (readingsCount > 0) {
return totalValue / readingsCount;
} else {
return 0; // Avoid division by zero