I tried learning programming during my education but I had trouble grasping it at the time and couldn't connect with it. I'm more of a visual/physical learning so I thought trying to learn programming through Arduino by interacting with physical components might be better for me.
It seems that C++ is used to code in the Arduino IDE. So my question is: If I work through the starter kit and the 15 projects, what level do you think my programming would be at? I know its a silly question but I'm trying to gauge where I would end up.
I also want to try learning Python, so I thought this might be a fun way to learn programming basics and then jump into python.
My personal experience is nothing will be learned unless the programs you are given have errors that you need to find and correct. Same with the components of the kit when they don't exactly match the instructions. I guess the old saying applies: no pain, no gain.
Agreed. I was apprehensive of using the starter kit because of this. You learn the most by being thrown into the fire (but also develop some trauma haha).
But I think that part is OK. I already noticed some subtle changes and issues and I'm questioning each line of code trying to see how else it could work or why its needed.