Advice on specifications

A newbie here, We are building a "fast" line follower and We are using this 6V 500rpm jga12-n20 motor.

I am wondering which motor driver should we use that is most compatible for that motor, I've seen people use l298n and l293 motor driver but I don't know if which should we use or if there are other options available.

I am also wondering if the bump sensor in the 5 channel array IR sensor will affect the feedback making it slow, or can I adjust it in the code.

Thanks in advance.

Does the motor need to go in reverse?


Hi, thank you for replying, no it doesn't have to, it's more like a race competition within my section.

Thread moved to where it's likely to get more attention.

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I have almost no experience with motors, but in the forum they do not recommend L293 and L298 drivers because there was a big loss of power in the driver itself. Since you will not reverse the motors, you can only control them with a MOSFET transistor - for example SI2300 or IRLML2502.

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Take a look at Polulu's modern drivers, like the DRV8838 and others.


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