Hell all,
I'm currently using an Arduino Mega running 8 servos at 200Hz PWM (I played around with 'servo.h' as mentioned in another thread).
The servo positions are updated over serial/USB from a PC, the PC sends out position updates at around 50~75Hz (it can vary).
I need more servos for the application and I'm wondering what the Arduino Mega to Arduino Mega communication options are?
I think the obvious solution would be to plug them both in directly and address each Arduino separately in the PC and away they go.
However I'm interested hear if I could use one USB/serial connection to one Mega:
Each servo then uses 2 Bytes of information.
Every 13ms or so the PC sends 32bytes to arduino1 - it then passes the relevant data (i.e. half of it) to arduino2 - so the first would get 32bytes, send 16 of them to the second then each would update it's servos with the 16bytes they now had.
Rinse, repeat.
Also latency is a concern - what could I expect in terms of propagation delays between the 2 units?
Thanks in advance for any forthcoming advice 8)