ADXL345 and Arduino UNO

Hi! I'm trying to make a bubble level using an Arduino UNO and an ADXL345 3 axis accelerometer. It uses an LM3914 to light up LEDs depending on the level.
The fact is I had an older version of this project using just a one axis accelerometer ADXL05 that stopped being produced many years ago and I hope you guys can help me adapt that old project in a new one using ADXL345.
I want it to light the LED specific for the level on incline. I want it simple, without a digital screen to display axes value.

I'd attached the schematic view made in Orcad Capture CIS. Hope this helps! Thanks.

Why don't you just replace the ADXL05 by a ADXL335 (3-axis accelerometer with analog output) or ADXL321?

that was the one i could find easily. I'll try tomorrow for a 335. Even though, can you explain how should I connect the wires to the ADXL335 based on that CAD design?

The ADXL05 has one analog output, the ADXL335 have 3 of them. Just decide which axis you want to use (depends on the PCB layout) and connect the output of that axis to where the output of the ADXL05 was connected. I cannot see where you find the difficulty in that task.