AES on Arduino Uno - Need Help

Guys, I've asked this question on stackexchange. I'm not going to copy paste it since it's a bit long.
You can find it here: programming - AES Simplified for Arduino - Having hard time achieving desired result - Arduino Stack Exchange

Please note that we need help with this problem. If any developer is interested in assisting us we'd love to talk about this over the phone, e-mail or here.

Thanks in advance.

Not sure what the problem is. I ran the demo program using IDE 1.6.0 and an Uno and it worked fine. What are you seeing when you compile and run the program?

It compiles fine, however, I need to set the key as plain text instead of hex. How can I do this? Same goes for the message that needs encryption.

If you want the output displayed in a different form, just change the DUMP macro.

#include "aes256.h" //Include library files
#define DUMP(str, i, buf, sz) { Serial.println(str); \
    for(i=0; i<(sz); ++i) { if(buf[i]<0x10) Serial.print('0'); Serial.print(char(buf[i]), HEX); } \
    Serial.println(); } //Help function for printing the Output

aes256_context ctxt;

void setup() {
  int i;

  Serial.println("Initializing AES256... ");

  uint8_t key[] = { 
    0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
    8, 9, 10,11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
    16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
    24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
  DUMP("Key: ", i, key, sizeof(key));
  aes256_init(&ctxt, key);

 uint8_t data[] = { 
   'a', 's', 'd', 'f',  'a', 's', 'd', 'f',
    'a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'a', 's', 'd', 'f'};
  DUMP("Unencrypted data: ", i, data, sizeof(data));

  aes256_encrypt_ecb(&ctxt, data);
  DUMP("Encrypted data: ", i, data, sizeof(data));

  aes256_decrypt_ecb(&ctxt, data);
  DUMP("Back decrypted data: ", i, data, sizeof(data));


void loop() {

How is this working? I'm getting:

Unencrypted data:

Instead of asdfasdfasdfasdf

If you want the output displayed in a different form, just change the DUMP macro.

Gees, did you read the entire post? Seems like you should do some of the work. Hint:
61736466617364666173646661736466 is also

I just removed 'HEX' from the macro and the output looks good. Sorry.
One other thing, I'm getting:

Encrypted data:
̲)nÆ•¬~€W. À

Can I convert this into base64 string that I can decrypt for example using this?


My guess is that you're reading past the end of the string, which means the data is not null terminated for printing.

Also, I'm still not sure you understand what I was saying:

61736466617364666173646661736466 is also

61 (hex) = 6 * 16 + 1 = 97 (decimal) = 'a' (ASCII)
73 (hex) = 7 * 16 + 3 = 115 (decimal) = 's' (ASCII)
64 (hex) = 6 * 16 + 4 = 100 (decimal) = 'd' (ASCII)
66 (hex) = 6 * 16 + 6 = 102 (decimal) = 'f' (ASCII)