Hello. I am new to arduino and programing in general (started a week ago) but I'm doing fairly well thanks to all the tutorials out there. In advance I apologize if I use wrong terminology. I recently ran into a problem:
I am trying to make something like a sorter machine (lets say it sorts marbles). I use Adafruit Motor Shield v2.3, 5 servo, 1 stepper motor, 4 IR sensors and 3 other digital pins will be used as input to get a signal (just a HIGH or LOW). So I ran out of digital pins at this point and I need to make an emergency stop button. I can not just cut the power because the stepper will be holding some weight and if I cut the power the stepper will be able to freely spin and things will fall..
So I'm trying to use analog pin but the problem is that when I seat in motor shield the analog pins A1 A2 A3 go to 4.8V and A0 go to 0.7V. First of all is that supposed to happen? Soldering is good.