Hi everyone,
I burned the bootloader to it via another Arduino Uno. Whn i plugged the micro ucb cable, D13 led is blinking and Reset pin is working as quite well.
But my computer says to me like this:
USB Device Not Recognized ...
My question is, what do I need to do in order to get this custom board working as an Arduino?
I soldered 1 uF capacitor to UCAP.
D- ---------->22 ohm------------> Pin 3(D-)
D+---------->22 ohm------------> Pin 4(D+)
GND-------------------------------> GND
UVCC and VBUS and VCC and AVCC are alltogother connected. Is this wrong? I added some pictures from my schematic. you can check.
I saw a schemeatics that called teensy. In that schematic pin 2 and pin 7 are connected and go to the
micro usb V+.
I am really confused. If someone help me, i am really apreciate. Thanks..