Ah, the Leonardo!

Since i have a rule about buying products online when i know i can buy them from an electronics shop...

Sooo i was at jaycar, so i bought a LeoStick, basically, it's identical to how the real board works, same pins and everything only it comes with a speaker and an RGB SMD LED fun to play with for all of 5 minutes.

so then.. I tried the keyboard example, it worked. bored

Then i remember to a guy on youtube making an attiny85 act as a virtual usb host a HID. - now he made his attiny85 able to get keyboard input as well as control/send, how come this is not implemented in the custom library? or is there a reason? or is there a hack to make it readable of other keyboards and mice.

I want to read the keys if i get a tab key (from real keyboard on usb) then it records a macro, >>> mypassword [enter] then when he plugged it in, it would simply type his password and login, he pulled the usb stick out and back in his pocket it went until next time he got a new password (tab tab) and i thought hell that's fun to try so i ordered all the parts required but it's 2 weeks later still not arrived so what the hell! i bought a leostick.

so anyway of reading in an actual keyboard's USB data? or is that a no go, wait for my bloody 63 ohm resistors and my 4.6v diodes you say.... well i thought i could do all this measily $2.85 chip but for $29! but i guess no.. but still very fun to play with :slight_smile: - supports all the normal pins infact i'll take a picture :slight_smile:

quickly hooked up a light diode and fed it to serial on it.


but this thing is tiny as and very fun..

but if you can't read other usb keyboards with it, waste of money really, i'll wait 2 more yawn weeks for the attiny and use v-hub :frowning:

Did you have a question, or should I move this to Bar Sport?

Also if you're still wondering what the hell i'm on about.


I want to build that :slight_smile: - just waiting on the Resistors and Diodes and 2 ATTiny85's and the proto boards, so i can build one myself, but it's all from HK 2 weeks is now 3 weeks.

anyway, how about hacking the atmel chip or library to read input from usb not just send?

no, the question is, can i, how do i? is it possible to be able to read keyboard input from other USB keyboards on the computer a leonardo is plugged into?

no, the question is, can i, how do i? is it possible to be able to read keyboard input from other USB keyboards on the computer a leonardo is plugged into?

From the Leonardo: No. With help of a program on the PC: Sure. You just have to get the input from the keyboard and send it to the Leonardo but the Leonardo has no access to that data directly.

no, the question is, can i, how do i? is it possible to be able to read keyboard input from other USB keyboards on the computer a leonardo is plugged into?

Now you can use one of many usb host chips and plug an arduino inline to sniff or add whatever keystrokes you want.