Hello guys.
I'm having terrible problems with my custom bomb
(calm down bro, its fake and DO NOT explode anything)
It has 3 wires:
WIRE A = "explode" = if cut, time goes to zero and game over.
WIRE B = "rapido" = if cut, times goes faster (removes 1 minute bomb time for every 4 seconds real life time).
WIRE C = "desarma" = if cut, bomb stops the timer.
the connection on my board is like this:
3.3v |---------WIRE A ---------- A2
arduino ------|--------WIRE B----------- A3
|--------WIRE C------------ A4
the initial value to set the amount of time, in seconds is start_num (wich is 20 to test)
This is my code so far:
int segA = 6;
int segB = 2;
int segC = 10;
int segD = 12;
int segE = 13;
int segF = 5;
int segG = 9;
int digit1 = 7;
int digit2 = 4;
int digit3 = 3;
int digit4 = 8;
int dot = 11;
int config_tempo = A0; //pino de configuraçao do DIP switch
int config_tempo2 = A1; //pino de configuraçao do DIP switch
int config1 = 0; //auxiliar do DIP switch para o incremento do tempo da bomba
int config2 = 0; //auxiliar do DIP switch para o incremento do tempo da bomba
int fioexplode = A2;
int fiorapido = A3;
int fiodesarma = A4;
int tempolido = 0;
boolean explode = false;
boolean rapido = false;
boolean desarma = false;
boolean permite_desarmar = true;
boolean lido = false;
boolean encerra_bomba = false;
boolean bombaexplodiu = false;
boolean bombadesarmou = false;
unsigned long aux=0;
unsigned long intervalo = 1;
unsigned long tempo_final;
int som = A6; //o correto eh A5
long start_num=20; // tempo inicial da bomba EM SEGUNDOS (1800 segundos= 30 MINUTOS)
unsigned long time;
void setup() {
delay (100); //delay colocado pq tava rolando uma interferencia na leitura dos DIP switch;
pinMode(segA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(segB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(segC, OUTPUT);
pinMode(segD, OUTPUT);
pinMode(segE, OUTPUT);
pinMode(segF, OUTPUT);
pinMode(segG, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dot, OUTPUT);
pinMode(digit1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(digit2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(digit3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(digit4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
pinMode(config_tempo, INPUT);
pinMode(config_tempo2, INPUT);
config1 = digitalRead(config_tempo);
config2 = digitalRead(config_tempo2);
if (config1 == HIGH){
if (config2 == HIGH){
pinMode(fioexplode, INPUT);
pinMode(fiorapido, INPUT);
pinMode(fiodesarma, INPUT);
pinMode(som, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(dot, LOW); //separador no display dos min e segu "mm:ss"
explode = digitalRead(fioexplode); //check fio_explode
desarma = digitalRead(fiodesarma); //check fio_desarma
rapido = digitalRead(fiorapido); //check fio_rapido
if (rapido == LOW) {
for (int i=0; i <= 1000; i++){
start_num = start_num - 0.001;
if (desarma == LOW){
else if (((millis()/1000) < start_num) && (bombaexplodiu == false) && (bombadesarmou == false)){
displayNumber(start_num -(millis()/1000));
else {
I'm facing two problems:
WIRE B , how to control the speed?
i've try things like start_num = start_num - 0.001; (or even more zeros)
WIRE C, how stop the timmer?
so far, if the hire is cut, all segments is OFF
- WIRE B , how to control the speed?
i've try things like start_num = start_num - 0.001; (or even more zeros)
'start_num' is a long integer. Adding or subtracting any value less than 1 will do nothing because integers count by 1's.
2. WIRE C, how stop the timmer?
so far, if the hire is cut, all segments is OFF
You can't "stop the timer" because you are displaying "(start_num - (millis()/1000))". You should use the BlinkWithoutDelay example to subtract 1 from 'start_num' each time 1000 milliseconds have passed. Use a shorter interval to run the clock faster (500 milliseconds would run the clock twice as fast). Stop subtracting 1's when you want to "stop the clock".
wow, nice explanations!
i will try here, thanks =D
(removes 1 minute bomb time for every 4 seconds real life time)
So that would be 15 times as fast. 1000/15 is 66.666... milliseconds. It has to be an integer so call it 67.
const byte TriggerPin = 2; // Cut this to detonate
const byte SpeedUpPin = 3; // Cut this to speed up the clock
const byte DisarmPin = 4; // Cut this to disarm the bomb
const unsigned long REGULAR_SPEED = 1000;
const unsigned long FAST_SPEED = 67;
unsigned long ClockInterval = REGULAR_SPEED;
unsigned long IntervalStartTime;
int SecondsToBoom = 180; // Three minutes
bool TimerRunning = true;
void setup() {
/// Put all the pin setup here
IntervalStartTime = millis();
void loop() {
// Check inputs to see if the bomb should detonate
if (TimerRunning && digitalRead(TriggerPin)) {
TimerRunning = false; // Stop the clock to show how much time was left
///// EXPLODE //////
// Check the Speed Up input to see if the timer should speed up
if (digitalRead(SpeedUpPin))
ClockInterval = FAST_SPEED; // Speed up the clock
// Check the Disarm input to see if the bomb should disarm
if (TimerRunning && digitalRead(DisarmPin)) {
TimerRunning = false; // Just stop the clock
if (TimerRunning && millis() - IntervalStartTime >= ClockInterval) { // Time to tick
IntervalStartTime += ClockInterval; // Start a new interval
if (SecondsToBoom == 0) {
TimerRunning = false; // Stop the clock
/////////// EXPLODE ///////////////
// display(SecondsToBoom);
I've made some changes in the loop cicle:
void loop() {
digitalWrite(dot, LOW); //separador no display dos min e segu "mm:ss"
explode = digitalRead(fioexplode); //check fio_explode
desarma = digitalRead(fiodesarma); //check fio_desarma
rapido = digitalRead(fiorapido); //check fio_rapido
aux2 = (start_num -(millis()/500));
if (rapido == LOW){
if (millis() >= (aux + 100)){
tempofinal = (tempofinal-1);
aux = millis();
start_num = start_num-1;
tone(som, 5500, 50);
tone(som, 500, 30);
if (millis() >= (aux + 1000)){
tempofinal = (start_num -(millis()/1000));
aux = millis() ;
//tone(som, 5500, 100);
if ((millis()/1000) < start_num){
now its easier to ajust time control...
BUT..... the idea of WIRE B (faster wire) is:
if someone cut, you have to put it back again before cut another wire,
in my code, if you put the wire back again, the time isn`t stable and you lose some seconds (or in another code i've set, time goes back(?) again).
@.@ thanks again for explain things =D
I`m not familiar with arduino, but... programming are almost same...
If you use "case"?
I remember one program constructed with "if" and "case".
switch (var) {
case 1:
//do something when var equals 1
case 2:
//do something when var equals 2
// if nothing else matches, do the default
// default is optional
When you loop this code - it will always checks cases. If we imagina that case 2 is cutted wire and default - standart, when you repair your wire - it will switch in default.
If i correctly understood your idea.