I found this very very cheap IR temperature sensor, and now I'm planning to hook it up to an arduino or RPI Pico, but I don't understand which cable do I use to connect it. It has 5 pins, and soldering the pins to wires is really hard. Please advise, need to do this for a competition.
Sensor is AIT1001, which I'd never even heard of, I don't know how I got these.
Here is the link to the pic:- https://www.aosong.com/m/en/products-116.html
Hi, @shasidana123
It looks like that link has a problem, I Googled the product, and not all Chinese links worked.
Here is Aliexpress link.
@TomGeorge, and @xfpd, any idea which type of connector would attach to this, because as you can see in the picture, the pins are very small, and it would be difficult to solder them for me, as an inexperience solderer.
I will guess the image needs a JST 5-pin (2.54mm pitch) female. Or, ask the manufacturer.