Hi All,
Tft from Aliexpress.
Can this display be used without a shield?
Found infp at Bodmer/Github but appears to be a different display?
From Aliexpress site 4.0 inch 14P RGB 65K SPI HD TFT LCD Screen with Adapter Board (Touch/ No Touch) ST7796S Drive IC 480*320
Anybody used the with ATmega boards?
Your photo shows a missing Touch controller.
You need to provide level shifters if you want to run on Mega2560 or Uno
I run the Touch version on a 3.3V Uno clone.
The SD card will not work properly because there are crazy series resistors.
Hi David,
Thanks for reply.
Ok on the touch missing it was cheap $12 delivered.
Have had the card working! with ProMini XL - 3 volt, will do a repeat if need be.
Used library Ili 9341 but display was 2/3 red and image cut off and 90 deg out.
Which driver and which pins to you use?
My own library.
But I have an "Adafruit_SPITFT - inherited" version if you want to try it.
Google found https://www.tindie.com/products/prominimicros/pro-mini-xl-v1-atmega-1284p/
Which would be fine if you run it at 3.3V
My screen was more than $12 delivered. But I see little point in useless header pins.
Have built a gps display, compass , Lat, Long...with card logger using a ProMini Xl.
Was insufficient memory with a stadard ProMini.
All running from a Lipo.
Want to use the larger 4” display, so the library will be welcome.
I would be much happier if you had said that you had "run ILI9341 screen with Adafruit_ILI9341 library"
Hey-ho. I have attached the "similar ST7796S" library. Pretty much Untested.
There is something weird about reading GRAM on the ST7796S
Adafruit_ST7796S_kbv.zip (13.6 KB)