Allocate specific address for my sensor

I am doing Sound sensor project with MAX9814 sensor. I attached that with these discussion.
Using MAX9814 , we get analog sound value and sensor is connected to analog PIN A0. After getting sound value we calibration code to fine tune the analog value into digital value dB. And this dB value transferred to android app via bluetooth HC-05 module. this actual work flow.
Need guidance
What help i need is : I need to make secure this device like no another bluetooth terminal app allowed to receive data . Only i designed android app allowed to receive data from arduino . For example while designing android app i mention in which byte i have the sound value . so that other app cannot receive my data. so i need to allocate my sound value in specific address and the data transfer to app via bluetooth. Please do any needful this doubt.
if i need any clarification ping me i'll explain further
Thanks in advance

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>

void setup()

void loop()
unsigned char samples = 16;
register unsigned long long tmp = 0;
register float rms = 0.0;

while(samples > 0)
    rms = analogRead(A0);
    tmp += (rms * rms);      
tmp >>= 4;                           
rms = (sqrt(tmp));     
rms *= 0.004875; 
if(rms <= 0)
    rms = 0.004875;


Hi @gajm07

Please use code tags (</>) when posting code (make sure all of your code is inside the ``` symbols).

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