Alternative to Cheap Piezo Buzzer / Tone?

I'm using a cheap Piezo buzzer that came in a sensor kit to buzz using tone(). I ordered about 10 more of them, and sometimes some of them sound bad. (I'm not sure of the reason at this point)

Is there a buzzer/beeper out there that's functionally pretty similar, but more reliable?

I would imagine with most components, as you spend more on them you get better specifications. Looking at Mouser, there are tons of options from about $0.50 to $7.00.

How much do you want to spend?

Good point. I will surely have another order at Digikey or Mouser at some point in the future, so I'll try a few of them out.

So it sounds like I ought to just stay with the same sort of component, but focus on spending a bit more. Surely spending $1 each would buy better piezos than the ones I have (which were far cheaper)

spending $1 each would buy better piezos than the ones I have (which were far cheaper)


and sometimes some of them sound bad.

Sort this out first.


A DC "buzzer" (with a + sign printed on the case) CAN't be used with tone().

They generate one tone by itself with a constant DC voltage.

You need a PIEZO disk for the tone() function.

A piezo disk can also be used as microphone. See the "knock sensor" example.

What I have is a piezo disc in a little black enclosure. It works with tone() and can go up and down in scale with the tone() options. I don't believe it's a "DC buzzer" that can't be used with tone().

It works most of the time (say, 98% of the time). Periodically, it sounds like a critter is inside there preventing it from flapping. Sometimes if I put pressure on it, it sounds normal again. Then sometimes, it sounds normal again without doing anything. It seems like maybe something physically wrong with the disc or the attachment to the case.

Maybe the piezo is fine, but if these cost $0.10 each, I'll try some $1/each ones before I spend time messing with this piezo.