Alternative to the MKRGPS Libary


got a question. I Equipped my MKR 1310 WAN with the Arduino GPS shield. Till today I used the Arduino MKRGPS Libary in order to get GPS koordinates, etc. . I was wondering if there is maybe a alternativ libary available that would provide me a quicker lock. I saw there was a libary availble that would already transmit if I only have a 2D lock (lon, lat), which would actually be sufficiant for me.
Are there any recommendations?

What I basically need is
-> Quick gps lock
-> lat./lon./speed/satellites/altitude
-> Possebility to send the gps chip into standby to safe power

Thanks & Regards

TinyGPS++ is a fairly common GPS library for Arduino.

The speed of the GPS aquiring an fix is related to the GPS and has nothing to do with the Library.

The MKRGPS shield uses a Ublox GPS I believe and there will be a command string you can send the GPS, over the serial interface to put it to sleep. Although make sure you have a powersupply\battery on the GPSs VBackup pin or it wont use hot start for a reduced fix time when the GPS is powered back on.

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