I'm running a class with 13 Alviks. One has died after little more than 2 hours. I've reinstalled the firmware more than once, but after that, as soon as alvik.begin() has been run, it becomes unresponsive. If I run a program from file, like, say leds_setting.py, I see the cute animations, then all I see is:
MicroPython v1.24.0 on 2024-10-25; Arduino Nano ESP32 with ESP32S3
Type "help()" for more information.
raw REPL; CTRL-B to exit
where [] is the square cursor box. If I click inside the box, it goes white, but I can't type anything, and after a while it goes back to black. There is just one LED lit, the DL2 is green.
Any ideas? Like I said, I've reinstalled the nano firmware a number of times.