Overall, that kit isn't a bad deal for what you get, but it isn't really geared toward robotics - at least not in the sense of what robotics means to most people.
Here's the thing, though - if you get this kit (and please, get a cheapo multimeter, too, while you're at it!), plus an old edition of Grob's Basic Electronics, and a 99 cent notebook (or take notes with your computer) - and really apply yourself, you'll gain and master a large percentage of what you need to know to implement a real robot as your next project.
From what I can see, the kit comes with enough parts to teach you the basics of reading sensors (potentiometers, switches, joysticks, etc) and using their values as inputs to effect the output to a few basic devices (a stepper motor, a servo motor, a relay, LEDs, etc). Think about it: What is a robot, ultimately - in the most basic sense? It is a platform, which has a computer of some sort, taking input from sensors (switches, light and sound detectors, etc), and using that information to output and control other devices (typically motors, servos, or relays of some sort).
Isn't that everything in the kit? Yes, yes it is!
Now - is there cheaper ways of doing this same thing? Yes, but it won't be a kit like this - you would have to do a little legwork. Maybe check around ebay and find the parts, or go thru surplus outlets if you can (for instance, if you are in the USA, Electronic Goldmine's "Super Surprise Box" can yield an insane number of parts for only $8.00 - you never know what you'll get, but it will mostly be transistors, resistors, LEDs and switches - and you'll have to do an insane amount of sorting and datasheet lookups, but the ultimate result will be worth more than what you paid for it - usually).
In the end, the ideal way would be to work at learning how the parts all work, the math and understanding of current vs voltage and how they relate to one another (Ohm's Law), how to use a multimeter properly (so you can avoid burning out components and such), and how to assembled the basic systems needed by all robots - before assembling a complete robot. It will take longer, it may look more "boring" from a certain perspective, but ultimately you'll have a better understanding that can be applied to creating your first robot successfully.
...and for that robot, what should you use? Well - I've long been an advocate of old "broken" cheapo chinese R/C cars from thrift stores; you shouldn't pay more than $10.00 for one, and they can become great mobile platforms:
Truth be told - learn to appreciate thrift and secondhand stores for what they offer in terms of devices which can become part of your electronics hobby; suddenly broken or otherwise "useless" items can become parts for your next robot (I personally like to salvage old Polaroid cameras for the ultrasonic sensors the Sun 660 and Spectra use - basically the same sensor as the SensComp 6500 series). Many building and construction toys (lego, knex, mecanno, erector, etc) make for great sources of robot parts, too.