Ambilight Troubleshooting

I am using a Teensy 3.2 with an OctoWS2811 board wired to 4 strips of WS2812b leds with 100 leds/m.

Uploading the example of octows2811 file to my teensy results in the setup loop starting red, green and blue flashing correctly. But then once I try to get the leds to show what's on-screen nothing happens.

Am I doing something wrong?

I have checked Ambilight settings many times. I am using the correct com port and device. I can't seem to get them to work.

Have you forgotten something?

I followed this guide

Hardware you need:
WS2812B LED Strips ( buy a little more in case you receive Strips with faulty LED's needing replacement )
Teensy 3.2 Controller Teensy USB Development Board
OctoWS2811 Adapter PJRC Store
Suitable 5V Powersupply ( calculate 0.06A per LED with 20% additional reserves )
CAT6 Cable
Suitable Wires for powering the LED's
Soldering Material

Software you need:
Arduino Installer
Teensyduino Teensyduino: Download and Install Teensy support into the Arduino IDE

For the best results, you'll want to have the LED's mirror the dimensions of the SCREEN ( not the Frame around it ) as only then will the lighting on the back align properly with the content shown on the front.

The strength of the Teensy 3.2 lies in the ability to drive up to 8 LED Strips simultaneously ( 4 Strips per CAT6 Cable ) which all need to be of equal length. On my setup with 3 Strips, each is 106 LED's long for a total of 318 LED's.

Software Installation:

  1. Install Arduino Software
  2. Install Teensyduino Software ( this will install the OctoWS2811 Libraries )
  3. Launch Arduino and GO: File - Examples - OctoWS2811 - Adalight
  4. Change Line 47: Match the LED count to the amount of LED's PER Strip - In my case 106
  5. Upload Code to Teensy 3.2 - You may have to press the button on the Teensy.
  6. Install AmbiBox
  7. Launch AmbiBox and change the "Number of Zones" to the TOTAL Amount of your LED's - In my case 318
  8. In AmbiBox open "More Settings"
  9. In AmbiBox select Device: Adalight
  10. In AmbiBox select the COM-Port your Teensy is connected to.
  11. In AmbiBox activate "Use Backlight" for the LED's to light up.
  12. In AmbiBox select "Show Areas of Capture" then "Wizard Capture Zones" to start setting up your LED's for them to align with your Screen.
  13. Save Profile.

Hardware Installation:
Each LED Strip will have two double Wires.
Signal/Ground coming from the Teensy - Must be connected to at the beginning of the Strip ( arrows on the Strip will indicate which direction the Signal is flowing )
Power/Ground coming from the Power Supply - Can be attached wherever you want on the Strip - I choose the end of the Strip

Opening the CAT6 Cable you'll find 4 colored Wires ( Signal ) with accompanying white Wires ( Ground ):
Orange - Strip 1
Blue - Strip 2
Green - Strip 3
Brown - Strip 4
This is from the left to right while looking at the CAT6 RJ45 Connector with the Retention Hook on top and the Cable facing away from you.

Technically it's possible to use the Teensy 3.2 without the OctoWS2811 Adapter for the CAT6 Cable but I really do recommend the use of it as it makes everything so much easier.

I have gone through it multiple times.

I know that the LEDs are wired correctly because I can upload other examples such as 'rainbow' and they work flawlessly.

Anyone else have any ideas?

I strongly suspect that what TMFKAAWOL is hinting at is posting your code in code tags.