An inverter for under 3 bucks!

When it arrives, i'm going to rip it apart and upgrade the mosfets.. and hope the transformer can handle some extra current.....

other than that, for less than 3 bucks, I think it's well worth the buy, what says you?

Certainly it looks like a nice inverter and 'Ripping it apart is certainly one way of opening the device... But did you ever consider that the transformer might not be big enough to handle bigger Mosfets?.. Transformers stink when they burn..
This is from the sellers Ebay page...

Input / Output
Input: DV 12V / 500mA
Output: AC 100V - 240V
Max Output Power: 5W
NOTE: Not for large electronics like Laptop computers, DVD players, Printers, etc <----- My emphasis


It's like you only read half my post... hence my concerns for the transformer, hacking it seems like a fun thing to try on this....

There are two things you have to consider when asking a transformer to do more.
One is the current rating of the wire, too much current and it will get hot.
However the second thing is the magnetic saturation of the core, that can limit what you get out of a transformer.

On the one hand, there's the raring to tear into this thing this way and on the other there's a reluctance to cobble up a little circuit from two or three components to find out what's going on.

The circuit you will find inside is nothing like a "real" inverter, it's something cheap like this:

Not worth the time and money!

Even 5 Watts is a lot to ask of that small transformer core, it's probably only 5W peak...