i use analog reading cumulated average 8 times to get more resolution
my problem is : cumul operation is not made with this part of code
ValADC = analogRead(analogPin); // read the input pin A0 on Lolin
SommeValADC = SommeValADC + ValADC;
Serial.printf(" SommeValADC = %5d ",SommeValADC);
i = i + 1;
if (i > 7)
//problemo ci dessous
// pour test only
LM35DZ_temp = (float) SommeValADC * LM35DZ_MAE ; // MAE lottant initialisé avec 0.0402832;<U+202C>
// OK ci dessous !
//LM35DZ_temp = (float) SommeValADC * 330.0 / 8192.0 ; // avec 10mV par °C et 8x0124
Serial.printf("LM35DZ = %5.2f °C ",LM35DZ_temp);
SommeValADC = 0;
display.print(F("A0 LM35DZ "));
Serial.print(" Ana0=");
Serial.print(" ");
// 123456789012345678
display.print(F("Compteur "));
snprintf(Oled_Msg,6,"% 5d",Compteur);
the printout show not accumulation even i add
SommeValADC = SommeValADC + ValADC;
Compteur= 00303 SommeValADC = 74 LM35DZ = 2.98 °C Pression : 991 Temperat. 23.20 °C Humidite 63.6 BP= BP= OFF ConsigneV = 00000
Compteur= 00304 SommeValADC = 74 Ana0=74 Pression : 991 Temperat. 22.60 °C Humidite 66.5 BP= BP= OFF ConsigneV = 00000
Compteur= 00305 SommeValADC = 74 Ana0=74 Pression : 991 Temperat. 22.70 °C Humidite 63.3 BP= BP= OFF ConsigneV = 00000
Compteur= 00306 SommeValADC = 80 Ana0=80 Pression : 991 Temperat. 23.30 °C Humidite 63.7 BP= BP= OFF ConsigneV = 00000
Compteur= 00307 SommeValADC = 80 Ana0=80 Pression : 991 Temperat. 22.20 °C Humidite 62.4 BP= BP= OFF ConsigneV = 00000
Compteur= 00308 SommeValADC = 80 Ana0=80 Pression : 991 Temperat. 23.30 °C Humidite 69.9 BP= BP= OFF ConsigneV = 00000
Compteur= 00309 SommeValADC = 80 Ana0=80 Pression : 991 Temperat. 22.00 °C Humidite 62.5 BP= BP= OFF ConsigneV = 00000
Compteur= 00310 SommeValADC = 80 Ana0=80 Pression : 991 Temperat. 22.40 °C Humidite 63.0 BP= BP= OFF ConsigneV = 00000
Compteur= 00311 SommeValADC = 80 LM35DZ = 3.22 °C Pression : 991 Temperat. 23.10 °C Humidite 63.5 BP= BP= OFF ConsigneV = 00000
so i get a result of 2.98°C
instead of
about 75 (elementaty ADC measures ) x8 times * 0.0402832= 24.16°C ;
i don't understand why SommeValADC doesnt' increase during the loop from i=0 to i=7 ?
other functions like OLED display , DHT11 , BPM805 are OK ..