Hi. I have been working on cloning the simplest functionality of the Disaster Area Designs Smart Clock pedal. It basically reads an incoming analog clock signal from a drum machine for instance and outputs a signal for tap tempo into delay pedals for instance.
This i have been able to do, but I need to some small adjustments. So here is what my attached script is supposed to do, but almost does:
read an analog clock sync signal, blink an led (and later output to a pin) 4 times in time with 1/24 of the incoming clock signal. After blinking 4 times it stops blinking. If the input has been stopped for more than a second, the counter for blinking 4 times should be reset, so that when i input a new clock rate (new song, new tempo) the led should blink 4 times again, and this time in time with the new tempo.
I have almost all of this working - execpt for the led blinking in time with the input signal divided by 24.
It would be great if someone would have a look at the part in the code about blinking the led and help make that relate to the input rate at any time.
Hope someone can help out:-)
const int analogClockPin = 2; // Pin to which the analog clock signal is connected
const int onboardLEDPin = 13; // Onboard LED pin
int pulseCount = 0; // Counter for the received pulses
int blinkCount = 0; // Counter for the LED blinks
int lastSignalState = LOW; // Variable to store the last signal state
unsigned long lastChangeTime = 0; // Time of the last change in signal state
const unsigned long pauseDuration = 1000; // Pause duration in milliseconds (1 second)
void setup() {
pinMode(analogClockPin, INPUT);
pinMode(onboardLEDPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Read the analog clock signal
int pulse = digitalRead(analogClockPin);
// If the signal state has changed, update the last change time and last signal state
if (pulse != lastSignalState) {
lastChangeTime = millis();
lastSignalState = pulse;
// If a pulse is detected, increment the pulse count
if (pulse == HIGH) {
// Check if 24 pulses have been received
if (pulseCount == 24) {
// Blink the onboard LED
digitalWrite(onboardLEDPin, HIGH);
delay(100); // Adjust the delay as needed for the blink duration
digitalWrite(onboardLEDPin, LOW);
// Reset the pulse count
pulseCount = 0;
// Increment the blink count
// Check if 4 consecutive blinks have occurred
if (blinkCount == 4) {
// Pause for 1 second
unsigned long elapsedTime = millis() - lastChangeTime;
while (elapsedTime < pauseDuration) {
pulse = digitalRead(analogClockPin); // Read the signal during the pause
if (pulse != lastSignalState) {
lastChangeTime = millis();
lastSignalState = pulse;
delay(10); // Adjust the delay based on the clock signal frequency
elapsedTime = millis() - lastChangeTime;
// Reset counters
pulseCount = 0;
blinkCount = 0;
delay(10); // Adjust the delay based on the clock signal frequency
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