Hello, this is my first post to the forum and i'm looking for some help!
I have a 6 DOF IMU and and all six of the outputs from the IMU read correct voltages (~1.3V) when they are connected to the multimeter. When they are connected to the arduino 5 of the 6 inputs are read correctly, but when the 6th input is connected to A2 the voltage goes from~1.3V to .04V. I'm really not sure why A2 is grounding the voltage. This always happens on A2 regardless of which IMU output I connect. Any ideas? Maybe I can reset all the output/input pins to their default values as I may have set A2 to something accidentally?
The only thing that could be wrong with that is the board could be taking more than the 50mA the arduino can supply at 3v3.
How much is the board taking?
I thought the same thing, but based on the data sheets the max current could only be 12.65mA. I also connected a pot in addition to the sensor on +3.3V and A2 reads the pot no problem. It's just when all 6 of the IMU connections are together... I found that this problem has happened to others using the sparkfun 6 dof board. Not sure of the solution though. Seems the arduino is just fine...
The only thing that could be wrong with that is the board could be taking more than the 50mA the arduino can supply at 3v3.
How much is the board taking?
The datasheets suggest it only takes about 15mA, so this should be OK.
I suspect a short on the board or a blown ADC pin or a call to pinMode (A2, OUTPUT)...